Shop: 6 a.m. Wednesday- 11:55 p.m. Sunday 🥕 Pick up: 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday
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Kingfisher Farm

Organic Kale

Late harvest of kale just before the real cold settles in.

Organic Korean Daikon Radish

Daikon, with a sweeter flavor. They are perfect for pickles and kim chi.

Organic Pea Shoots

Blast of spring, with shades of the flavor of sugarsnap peas. My kids love these and just eat them right out of the...

Organic Radish Microgreens

These are a beautiful addition to any salad, or just eat them on their own. They have a sweet, spicy flavor, with...

Organic Rutabaga

We have an awesome crop this year: big beautiful roots, with a sweetness brought on by the cold weather of fall. We...

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